
Did Anybody Keshet ?

Regarding the last painting above posted July 4th.

Abraham weaves a tangled web while using a Keshet ( war bow - also the word for rainbow) to miss the mark.

In both Hebrew and Greek - the archery term for the missing of the target / mark is the word for sin. Hatah in Hebrew and hamartia in Greek.

Here, Abraham weaves a tangled web and cuts his own ear with a rainbow / Bow. Those following my work have seen this image before as I occasionally worked on it here and there for a couple years now.

The Bow is also cutting lines of co-Cain.

The hands are weaving a specifically Muslim decoration.

Blue background , a white star , and red stripes are also embedded.

I wish I could spell it out more, but there’s a war on…

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I’ll be uploading a podcast transcript of this approx 25 min read w/ commentary soon. Cheers!


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It is one thing to see patterns in nature. It is quite another to see them there where they're not.

Have you ever seen a cloud that looked like a pig's face? Or some spilt wax that looked like a butterfly? I have. But I'm not claiming there's any deeper meaning to it.

You should read St. Irenaeus before it's too late. Gnosticism might seem cool, but it's actually cooler to see patterns that are really there and not simply projections of your own mind.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

Your comparison of seeing faces in clouds to my systematic decoding of Renaissance art to repeatedly predict major world events encoded in them through a symbol language that can be quantified and translated effectively and with results -ahead of time- is flaccid, and speaks to your ignorance or ulterior motives.

I’ve made my case here and elsewhere.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


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How about now- https://www.instagram.com/p/CveImxpsP3d/

Explicit warning August 2, 2022

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Did Anybody Keshet ?

Regarding the last painting above posted July 4th.

Abraham weaves a tangled web while using a Keshet ( war bow - also the word for rainbow) to miss the mark.

In both Hebrew and Greek - the archery term for the missing of the target / mark is the word for sin. Hatah in Hebrew and hamartia in Greek.

Here, Abraham weaves a tangled web and cuts his own ear with a rainbow / Bow. Those following my work have seen this image before as I occasionally worked on it here and there for a couple years now.

The Bow is also cutting lines of co-Cain.

The hands are weaving a specifically Muslim decoration.

Blue background , a white star , and red stripes are also embedded.

I wish I could spell it out more, but there’s a war on…

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Author

In my artwork of the fall of man , posted above, one can see Abraham with a rainbow Keshet missing the mark - hatah- and cutting his own ear. Fraudulent Alchemists were said to have had mutilated ears as punishment for their crime.

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Can you ear me now?

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Things that look alike (like Michael Avenatti and Corey Comperatore) and sound alike (like ear and hear) are not necessarily related.

I've heard it said that certain peoples feed their children walnuts because they think it will make them smarter. A walnut looks like a brain, ergo it will make them smarter.

Look up "equivocation."

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Author

Both almond and coffee beans contain alkaline and essential oils that are healthy for brain function. That being said, they don’t really resemble the brain, they resemble the cerebrum, which only contains about 20% of your neurons. There’s an academic conspiracy to subvert the the centrality of the cerebellum in depression, addiction, autism, and consciousness itself.

Cerebellum is a term coined by Leonardo da Vinci and is a joke about the Hebrew word Sarah, which means princess and the Latin word bellum which means war. Welcome to the machine.

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A Tylenol looks nothing like my brain, yet it takes away my headache.

Focus on metaphysics. Analogy reconciles likeness with difference, univocity with equivocity. The question is: Which likenesses are only apparent and which actually inhere in being?

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I couldn’t care less, you’ve derailed this thread into nonsense. Have a nice day.

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The probabilities and statistics mathematics require a massive amount of curious, coincidence, which is exactly what I document on my page. That video was posted three years ago. Welcome to the machine. The gnostics were right.

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You might want to check out that “Patterns or paranoia” video now- after the Trump shooting. 27 minutes in.

I keep making my point.


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

Irenacus incorporated earlier heresiological accounts into his own work. In particular, this is likely to be the case with his genealogical catalogue of heresies in Haer. I 23-27, which gives the impression of having been derived from secondary sources, rather than from first-hand knowledge of the heretics' writings. An important source for this section may have been Justin's Syntagma, since the order in which the heresies are presented by Irenaeus agrees in the main with lists found in Justin's extant works.

The section I 11-12, which briefly summarises different variants of the Valentinian system, also gives the appearance of having been excerpted from earlier heresiological accounts. The Valentinians are the chief target of Against the heresies. In the Preface to Book I Irenaeus explains his intentions, and tells us a little about his sources:

“...we have considered it necessary, after having read the writings of Valentinus' "disciples" (as they call themselves), and having perceived their views, to show you, dear friend, their "marvellous and profound mysteries that cannot be comprehended by all" (since not all have let go of their brains), so that you too shall learn about them...

… And as much as it is in our power we shall report concisely and clearly the views of those who are teaching error at the present time-I refer to the followers of Ptolemy, an offshoot of the school of Valentinus and provide the means, so far as our mediocrity allows, to refute them...” (I Pref. 2)

This passage shows that Irenaeus' specific target is the "disciples" of Valentinus (rather than Valentinus himself), and, more specifically still, the followers of Ptolemy, who represent the most immediate danger because they are "teaching error at the present time."

Furthermore, we learn that Irenaeus has used original Valentinian documents, and that he has personally interviewed some of the Valentinians.

In the execution of his work, Irenaeus devoted Book I to presenting his source materials, whereas the four following books aim at refuting his opponents' doctrines from the points of view of reason, scripture and the apostolic tradition.

That apostolic tradition so-called goes back not to an apostle, but to a disciple Simon who was renamed Peter as part of a grand unfolding joke- you see Jesus then goes on to tell Peter the rock of good soil - no rocks - and shitty soil - it’s got rocks in it.

The dozen do zen - and bonsai loves rocky soil. Disciple means student while apostle means missionary. Christ had 72 apostles, but the rock ain’t one.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

The main bulldog for the Pagan Roman Empire who’s patriarch is the disciple whom Jesus called Satan, was Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, France. This was a Pagan Church with Quasi Christian Window Dressing- one Christ never asked for yet predicted he’d found on the disciple Peter (rocky satanic soil) to destroy later, in three days aka the days of 72 hours. The 72 hours are the 72 apostles. Sept II. Get it? No- this is all meaningless to ewe.

Irenaeus answered the popular Valentinian re-interpretation of myths by showing “anyone could make up personified beings”. To illustrate, Irenaeus posited a pre-principle being called Gourd and its companion power called Supervacuity. They then emitted without emitting a Fruit which language calls Cucumber. Cosubstantial with Cucumber there is a power called Melon, and together all these powers ”emitted the whole multitude of Valentinus' delirious Melons”.

This is , maybe, the most viciously stupid and immature passage in a 5 volume book of viciously stupid arguments against gnostic Christians. It’s basically a confession in the form of slander.

The Catholic Church accuses Valentinian Christians of doing all of the things they, the Pagans, would later be found guilty of— from cannibalism to institutionalized pedophilia and hebephilia.

And to think - Jesus never asked for a church or condemned women or gays- that was all the Roman Empire who burned Christians, gnostics / Cathars, what have you- alive and replaced them with you peep holes.

If you actually read Irenaeus- you’ll see he debunks himself and admits the Valentinians even came up with apostolic succession and trinitarianism - which the EO and Pedo Pope bicker over taking credit for to this day, in their stupid fucking Dagon and Saturnalia hats, no less.

Christian churches so called - after the 4th century - became Pagan cults hiding in plain sight. That’s why you have to settle for boring women and closeted homosexual charlatans to pay for your existence in this Sheol. Worms

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I am utterly astounded that you have a computer and electric (presumably). The prospect of you walking into the store and speaking regular English to a Best Buy salesperson seems impossible to me. How do you relate to other people when you have a problem with your cable bill?

I suppose the ultimate question is: Have you gotten fresh air recently?

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Is this the Delight part? Are you now “Continuing the conversation about culture, communication, and media”

You’re quite multitalented.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

1. Irenaeus' "Valentinians" described in Against the heresies (AH) are a very restricted group of people who exist in his own environment and describe themselves as according to Irenaeus as "followers of Ptolemy." Valentinus is, in fact, already a distant figure of the past, having left Rome about twenty years before Irenaeus wrote AH; his Valentinians were conceived as a predecessor of the current "Valentinians”, who follow Ptolemy. The situation described by Tertullian seems to be equally valid for Irenaeus: ita nusquam iam Valentinus, el tamen Valentiniani, qui per Valentinum (Val. 4:3).

2. When denouncing Valentinian variability, however, Irenaeus speaks of the Valentinians in a wider sense, including the "predecessors." In his presentation of this variability in AH. I 11-12 he relies, at least in part, on older heresiological writers whose complaints are not congruent. Irenaeus denounces a false doctrine then complains they don’t have a clear doctrine. He also understands they have leveled teachings not accessible to the freshman, and is perhaps salty he doesn’t get it. He complains of Marcion traveling with women! And get this, in his own entourage there were two women ! Lol. His description of the average Gnostic as flamboyant and pompous is scapegoat word magic- he’s actually describing the ridiculous Roman soldiers and their rooster like pomp accurtrements. Earlier in his contradictory screed he describes how hard it is to find the Valentinians amongst the congregation. They are either pompous and known for the traveling burlesque show they keep or they are sneak and cannot be detected amongst the regular Christians of the period. IT CANNOT BE BOTH!


4. Valentinian treatises usually circulated anonymously, and variant versions of the system seem to have been tolerated. The heresiologists' attributions of specific systems to individual authors and groups are motivated by their polemical (and inconsistent) construction of a Gnostic heresy so called - both "a" false doctrine and as something essentially multiform and inconsistent and hard to pin down. Apparently, we’re looking for people who can be seen for miles - gypsies with a vanagabond pimp magician at their helm, but also - you can’t tell who’s who- they could be in your house church right now!

For these reasons and more Irenaeus’ inconsistent screed, complete with dick and melon jokes and what amounts to 2nd century versions of cut and pasting contradictory memethink, coated with a magical scapegoat descriptions of the bedazzled Roman rulers applied nonsensically, and with puerile spite, to a group of contemplative vegetarian aesthetes who only wanted a separate parallel society from the bat out of hell that is pagan Christianity - the religion, is unreliable.


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As for the model it’s not clearly expressed in the post, I just saw a lot of connections occurring in this sort of hypnotic prose elevating random connections with rhetorical flourish but with little formal or theoretical basis outside of brief mentions of a panoply of influences. Sry. I just don’t get the whole random go cut your dick off comment early this morning and felt defensive but this would be my constructive criticism.

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This Instagram is a litany of warnings

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It’s a busy day! I called the Trump shooting over a year ago.

27 minutes in - I show you the Trump shooting. Enjoy your coincidence theory.


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Here’s my Sophia artwork from fall 2019 symbolically predicting the Covid event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9Hmhg3295Q

I went on to predict the UAP disclosure 2 years ahead of time:


And based on John 20:22 and the Covid symbolism of the 40 day quarentina ( the word quarantine comes to us from the Italian for 40 days) I predicted the end of Covid over a year early:


These are not coincidences- this is divination. Revelations tells us only a man with Sophia can decipher 666- the number of a man and beast and I did just that. The first.

Stable Carbon has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. Christ was born in a stable.


Enjoy your coincidence theory ! It’s a dragon getting slayed right here, ongoing…

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

I’m not really sure what you suggest is ‘hypnotic’ - if you’d give me a hypnotic quote maybe that would help me understand why you’re having a comprehension issue.

The Valentinian system is sketched out here- as I said it was, not completely unpacked. It’s complex and I want to keep these to under 30 min reads.

It’s clear from Nag Hammadi texts like the ‘apocryphon of John’ and Gospel of Phillip the early Gnostic system was one of idealism - not the quasi Zoroastrian dualist straw man floating around mostly American academia; the cottage industry of ‘Gnosticism’ so called is not as popular in European theology depts.

The connections here are not random at all- but a series of acausal yet meaningful coincidence ( see Jung on synchronicity ) I’ve been using for years to make accurate predictions about the future.

Example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfB0yYytxic

Also- you suggest a brief “panoply of influences“- but I mention 3- Valentinian Christianity, Owen Barfield’s evolution of conciseness, and idealism as alternative to materialist science. I don’t think that’s a panoply which suggest a complete array. Your exaggerations and bias are telling here.

I’m sorry you missed my shroud of Alan Turing humor. You’re lost and salty. Jesus was a shellycoat troll for the ages. We’re just getting started explaining the massive joke.

Does a bereshit in the garden?

If you slice the tree of life thin enough.

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Why the cut off your dick? I was a lot more constructive

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Turing testes -

one two, won too?

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That’s some esoteric Christian humor.

Never seen the shroud of Alan Turing?

Gospel of Judas Thomas logia 114?


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I prefer to read literature than can be taken seriously. There's a reason the Gospel of Thomas and Judas went out of print. It simply isn't a very convincing portrait of anyone or exceptionally great literature. It clearly resembles a community which has taken on a different ethos than that of the new testament. And beyond that, I'm not sure what women not deserving to live and having to become men has to do with anything other than a very toxic cosmology developed in gnostic mythology.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

Gospel of Thomas 114 predicts the trans phenomena kicked off in media on 2014. Gospel of Thomas is the gospel of the anti christ - precursor to the gospels of canon. It’s the Q document. Unpacking it unpacks Christ's prediction to tear down pedo institutions misguiding and even assaulting children IN HIS NAME.

In three days - that’s 72 hours.

One Horus for each of the 72 apostles.

Surrah 72 of Quran is about the djinn- from which we get the word genius.

On Sept 11 ( seven 2) we lost two twin towers and WTC 7 aka the Salomon Brothers Building.

72 - Sept II

And then there’s the 72 versions promised to the jihadist in paradise.

Well - paradise means upper class Hades aka Sheol.

Welcome to paradise.

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again random acausal associations. You can use anything to predict anything with that sort of reasoning.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 12Author

That’s totally bullshit and the world would be filled with accurate predictors.

My art predicted Covid - my decoding predicted the UAP disclosure - my scriptural analysis predicted the end of Covid - and my decoding has led me to find the recipe for beer, the dipole structure of water, the form of human DNA, and the biochemistry of carbon based life, to name a few.

You haven’t watched the videos covering years of accurate predictions. Like I warned of the Maui fires one week early here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvTM-ZfMrf3/?img_index=1

Who do think drives the UAP?

Look at eastern Christian art from Decani monastery.

I just keep making accurate predictions. This is a quantifiable fact, not an opinion.

I challenged you to provide me with one link to one person who does anything even remotely close to what I do - since it’s so easy to make predictions over and over like this.

Enjoy the Cold War - cough cough.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

I have no respect for the so-called ‘gospel of Judas’ - a late entry fraud wisely discarded- absolutely nothing about it is gnostic - I’m referring to Jesus’ brother Judas the twin of Thomas, also Jesus’ brother.

Over 75 % of the gospel of Thomas is found in the scripture almost verbatim. It’s clearly the Q / source document theologians speculate about.

Anything in the book of apocalypse / revelation is far more esoteric and out there than GOT.

When you criticize the GOT you’re poopooing the New Testament.


The gnostics follow Paul in Ephesians 1- perhaps the most gnostic scripture ever. We abide this bardo as a spiritual weigh station while the churches worship Satan on the cross - king of the Jews and intersectionality - a giant effeminate bloody cuck who grants wishes in the desert.

The shrinking churches which make a mockery of morality and common sense are filthy and falling down. Gnostics are the future - spiritual libertarians will tear your churches down until not one scadalon is on top of another.

Disciple means student- and you blind follow the blind. It’s supposed to be a Naan Profit - not a non-prophet.


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and I’m the one who is biased. It’s obviously not q. Believe what you want to believe. An uncrucified Christ is a cosmos of suffering without meaning. It’s clear you have no understanding of Christianity outside of its western protestant evangelical presentation. A sort of Christianity I myself would never want to be a part of. Maybe you're the one who needs to open their minds and do actual scholarly research. Moreover, what’s the point of being gnostic. The architecture of your esoteric Christianity, it seems is little different than Manichaeism (mani also liked the gospel of thomas). Both are full of cosmological speculation which ends up indifferent and no longer pertinent in learning how to actually obtain spiritual growth and moreover, a life that affirms any sort of material existence.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 11Author

Yeah yeah yeah - god killed his kid and almost all of us because his amazing grace. That’s disgusting nonsense. Yahweh is clearly Kosmokrator, a weak jealous resentful and frustrated Proto Hitler - a failed artist who destroys his work and the unappreciative audience. What a fucking bitch Yaweh is. No wonder he killed Moses and used ‘Joshua’- lol. Wonder who that is.

Your faux Christian pagan satanists have your heads so far up your ass you’ll suggest the gospel of Thomas is nonsense while apologizing for satanic trash doctrine. More than 3/4s of GOT is canon already. Lol

Fun fact - The Gospel of Matthew 6 and Gospel of Thomas Logia 6 are clearly connected. It’s obvious there is a relationship between the two.

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You’re obviously very hateful of something you don’t understand. You have the ego the size of Texas and a devils bite. All I did was offer some constructive criticism and you became unhinged. I saw this all when I was reading the post. Your auto writing and a demons got you under his thumb.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

All I did -

Hahah- you promote false doctrine from Satan and insult God’s word and expect it is just talk?

Unhinged suggests incoherence and even insanity. I’ve asked you to offer counterfactual claims to the facts that I’ve pointed out, and I’ve asked you to explain what is hypnotic or nonsensical about my work. I asked you to pull a quote from my short essay here so as to give me an example of what you mean and you will not do it. That is telling.

I’m not unhinged at all- I’m just telling it like it is- your churches and your doctrine are an intentionally gaslighting satanic shitshow peopled by frauds and closeted homosexual actors, con men, and even fuckin pedophiles.

The church that produced the slander against the Valentinians has spent over $7 billion protecting pedophiles across the world.

Your churches will burn as your doctrine is gaslighting bullpucky- and no one of the younger generations is going to fucking put up with it. You’re DOA.

Fortunately, for believers of anything you’ll be given a last-minute offer to apologize for cosigning disgusting filthy pagan / Jewish garbage.

John 8:44


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Someone demon possessed like you; except you sound more just delusional

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

I’ve pointed out the disgusting habits of Christian churches of all stripes, and I’ve proven I repeatedly make predictions based on scripture. I have illustrated clearly the biological chemistry and science embedded in the New Testament, which seems to legitimize my ideas about the creative faculty being a truth-bearing faculty enabled by the ‘Paraclete of truth’.

I asked you to provide an example of what you found either hypnotic or confusing. You slander my work without citing what your actual problem is.

Nowhere in Jewish or Christian scripture does the term demonic possession occur. The translation would be demonic influence. Christians like dark drama and occultism, which is why they’re obsessed with Nephilim fucking women and demonic “possession”. If you want to see demonic influence just go to a church where they speak in tongues. Or go to any Megachurch in the world. Or go to any Catholic Church in the world. You’ll witness demonically influenced leaders and their flock, practicing cannibal rituals, and acting like complete morons.

Gnostic Christianity is a spiritual libertarian path that follows the teachings of Christ, who threatened to tear down temples and told people to pray at home in private and secret.

There’s a reason Irenaus labeled Valentinian Christians as the number one threat to the Roman Empire as early as 180. Over the next several centuries, gnostics and their books were hunted and burned, often together. Because that’s how pagan Satanists roll. The identity theft of Christianity from the Valentinians by the bloodthirsty pagan Roman cult of Isis has now bifurcated and then some into a troika of Eastern Orthodox, Catholic pedophiles, and psychopathic egomaniac evangelicals and protestants. What a giant fucking satanic shit show you’re a part of. My demon is the Holy Spirit Sophia, and she’s fucking pissed. Pistis Sophia.

1 Corinthians 1:30

Jesus became Sophia.

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And as for the video, it seems to lack a coherent connection, but I don't doubt the capacity of predicting the future. I predicted in a short story donald trump would become president before it was expected by anyone to happen. There's obviously the capacity to see trends and currents, but I'm not sure you comprehend how doused your language is in obscurity which couches any semblance of ability to follow logically how these observations can apply to one thing or many things or any random event.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

My work unpacking how the ‘co-creative faculty’ works and examples of it throughout centuries takes hours to consume but is legit. You cannot offer counterfactual claims - just soy boy insults. I have proof of Jung’s theories and post time stamped examples of accurate predictions based on decoding symbolism from inspired media.

If I’m right - you worship the devil and are dead in Sheol. So you tell yourself this doesn’t add up. But it does- and it will here. Cheers

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Yeah - Esoteric doesn’t mean for everybody. Swine abound. Sometimes I have faith in them to rise above their pagan shitshow and cannibal rites in a church that is a sinking ship full of guilty sods, pedos, cheaters, paid for closeted homosexuals influencers, and networking con-men.

Clearly the churches are run by Satan. From Jimmy Swaggart to Joel Osteen to the pope. It’s all the synagogue of Satan.

Fun fact: The pictographic icons of the name Pope can be made to spell Pedo. Sorry you can’t see the gestalt.

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Again, I know the tone is harsh, but if you maybe realized the difference between you language and that of the rest of the world, you might be more successful in relating things to a larger audience.

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You’re unable to provide examples of the incoherent or hypnotic language. You’re just a hater who drank the anti Gnosticism propaganda from Satanist’s eviscerating God’s word every week while practicing paganism with the whole family.

I don’t think you can afford the psychological capital to invest enough time to take me seriously without being triggered by your programming from a satanic global conspiracy known as Christianity so-called. Jews, Muslims and mainstream Christians all worship the devil. John 8:44

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I think you've just lost track of what the difference between the devil and God is. As I said, it's like reading one hypnotized by the devil. I'm done. It's not constructive. I'd just advice you to get out of an idea of gnosticism that was born well after gnosticism and died for all practical purposes at least a decade ago.

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Like reading jack Kerouac free associating on acid while hypnotized by a devil.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

If you’re having trouble understating Gnostic idealism and my model here I’m happy to clear something up. Kerouac was an agent of chaos promoting a quasi mysticism which I view as dangerous. I’m an esotericist - not a mystic druggie agent of cultural deracination. I’m happy to field constructive criticism- but non sequitor drive-bys I’ll leave be.


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deletedJul 7Liked by Jason J Bickford @ TGR
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Thank you for the kind words. I’ve made a bold claim here- a couple actually- but I will back it up.

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deletedJul 7Liked by Jason J Bickford @ TGR
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I’m just getting started here at Substack but I’ve been doing this for a decade and have got a 4 year backlog here on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuPTLSUdQf0Ukgd7dZ_6UMg?view_as=subscriber

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