Jul 2Liked by Jason J Bickford @ TGR

Hi Jason, how are things going? The move away from YouTube to Substack must be intimidating but exciting. Long time follower here, good luck!

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Thanks - my first essay / mission statement to clear the air and get a fresh start here is done and I’m tidying up the illustrations. The PNM page begins very soon as well. Thanks for the support!

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Mar 15Liked by Jason J Bickford @ TGR

Very much interested in the qualities of water memory. Especially the relationship it has with our bodies and even the environment around us! Found that to be super interesting and seen your designs for a water bottle.

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Mar 16·edited Apr 7Author

Hello Jeremiah - and first off - thanks for the ongoing support at Patreon. I know my Patreon subs have been waiting a while for this page to launch, and I appreciate the patience.

I look forward to incorporating the science of water memory and tuning “structured water” into my overall view of the carbon based life symbolism. For now I can say that the subject overall is a source of controversy. On the one hand we have a Nobel Prize winning scientist working with water memory and on the other end a cottage industry of New Agers aiming their Santa list affirmations at bottles of water to change it with their intentions.

Consider that water is H2O

Consider the life saving / preserving moment of the Jewish myth is about a guy and his crew bringing water to the future- sort of.


Now look at water in chemical notation- H-O-H

A dipole like that of Christ coming down during the “Harrowing OF Hell” artworks - HOH = H2O


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I can answer general questions here, but may also incorporate answers from this thread in other essays, podcasts, threads, and videos posted here; your questions will help make the content better. Cheers.

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