What is this project about ?

Hello, dear reader, and thank you for your time. I’m Jason Bickford, a gnostic Christian charged with aim to help restore to public knowledge the existence of a previously lost multi-disciplinary method of perceiving and understanding ourselves and the world we co-create, while introducing an esoteric system of art and media decryption at the heart of a previously unknown form of divination purposefully designed to reveal what I call ‘the co-creative faculty’, a concept with which I seek to upend what we know about human creativity. To accomplish this, I will flesh out a working model of ‘Gnostic Idealism’ (GI) largely comprising elements of what we know of early Valentinian Christianity and informed by the Rudolph Steiner / Owen Barfield overlap concerning the ‘evolution of human consciousness’, and something akin to a model of consciousness popularized lately by serious non-materialist scientists like Rupert Sheldrakeand Bernardo Kastrup to explain a myriad of bizarre precognitive phenomena I’ve studied for a decade with a GI model where our brain both receives and co-creates consciousness- where angels and demons are ‘beings of light’ - ambiguous sources of our bright and bad ideas in conflict, where art is the stuff of pre-cognitive magic.

In this model, our inherent ‘co-creative faculty is recognized within us and others through a veiled and manifold language of symbol and pattern first embedded, and now made known and manifest, thanks to the mysterious source of inspiration sparking our symbolic and poetic creative imaginations- which we knew- then forgot- were truth-bearing faculties. Among other intentional tells we find encoded in the creative human output of the ages millennia-spanning double entendres made possible through an inspired and guided evolution of our consciousness and language - here, time sensitive colloquialisms and popular speech are unearthed in an excavation of consciousness. Like evidence of a culture editor. Other embedded fingerprints stack up, pointing towards a deeper mind and influence, a signpost towards an active participatory gnosis where ultimately apprehending an intelligent designer is thee entry point towards an encounter with a communicative and even personal aspect to a capital G Godakin to what 20th century philosopher and theologian Paul Tillich called “theground of being”; a vast substrate Mind having a dissociative experience as andwith us. The emergent gestalt of my esoteric research, itself inspired by a significant spiritual awakening, suggests this substrate God / Mind whom I understand and learn from via a Gnostic (Christian*) Idealism lens, has facilitated an evolution of human consciousness in order to re-open an atrophied line of dialogue with the sleepy creative imagination of a humanity perhaps humbling, ready to re-learn, one more time, the origin of the word genius after taking itself too seriously for too long.

Sincerely, and in humility, what I’ve been shown and will show you here, among other things, rewrites what we know about human creativity and opens the door for potentially fascinating discussions about the very nature of reality.

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*Maimonides on Angels:

“For all forces are angels! How blind, how perniciously blind are the naive ?! For the naive person does not understand that the true majesty and power are in the bringing into being of forces which are active in a thing although they cannot be perceived by the senses...

Thus the Sages reveal to the aware that the imaginative faculty is also called an angel; and the mind is called a cherub. How beautiful this will appear to the sophisticated mind, and how disturbing to the primitive."

(The Gnostic Reclamation supports the Oxford Comma)

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Unpacking Symbols, Patterns, and Gnosis with Jason James Bickford


"The world cannot be lost. We are the ones. And it is because these names and these coordinates are our own naming that they cannot save us. That they cannot find for us the way again." Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing